Friday, November 30, 2007

I love Rise Against <3

...With hope in our hearts and bricks in our hands
We sing for change...

This band is amazing.. They are my fav. band atm for sure! I love every single song from their 3 latest albums. Last weekend I got to see them live, and even though it was a short set (only 50 minutes) because it was the Taste of Chaos festival, it was so so so so awsome, and I loved every second! <3 Rise Against <3

...It's not the end that I fear with each breath
It's life that scares me to death...

The concert was in Glasgow, which was a nice city, although we didn't get much time there. We went out to eat at a cool pub/restaurant called Frankestein on Friday, the food was yummy:) Before the concert on Saturday we went shopping. I got books, magazines, clothing, Hello Kitty-stuff, cool underwear (panties with robots on them, and owl-socks!), cds and scrapbookmaterials:)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

...We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive, is what makes us who we are...


  1. Yarr Rise Against, now...sleep! (cute pics ;O)

  2. å, skottland!! jeg har lyst til å reise dit!! må høre på rise against, siden du sier de ruler:D:D

  3. Tusen takk for kommentar i bloggen min!
    Har alltid hatt så lyst til å reise til Skottland, kanskje drømmen kan bli virkelighet neste sommer, eller sommeren etter.

  4. rise against er digg. og glasgow er en kul by :D fint innlegg.

  5. prøver å komme inn i forumet, men siden vil ikke åpnes:p skulle bare si takk for at du fikser cd'er, whoa!!:)

  6. *supergod jul til deg* du må ha det alldeles topp, og supert nytt år!! stor klem fra Tove*


Jeg blir superglad for kommentarer, takk takk!:)