Med fare for å virke alvorlig avhengig av tvserier (som jeg jo er..) må jeg bare si at sesongstarten av How I Met Your Mother igår var fantastisk! Jeg gleder meg til neste episode allerede, ler meg ihjel av den serien! True story! :D
Noen Barney-quotes:
"When I get sad, I just stop beeing sad and be awsome instead. True Story."
“There are only two reasons to date a girl you've already dated: breast implants.”
“Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I'm awesome. I'm your bro—I'm Broda!”
“The only reason to wait a month for sex is if she's 17 years, 11 months old.”
"It will be legend - wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is.. dairy!"
"Come on, I came back for you, Ted. I penguin-suited up to show you the error of your ways. And to score Hula Girl's number. Check and check."
"Suit up!"
For ein fin blogg, og nyyyydelig hund :-) Han såg skikkelig god ut, fekk lyst å klemma an :-)
ReplyDeleteEnig med deg. Dette er tidenes desidert morsomste TV-serie!