I got this for Christmas, which was great because my old mp3-player sorta stopped working in August: Maybe even more fun, Magnus got this, and I can borrow it as much as i want:
It's Christmas Eve and I've only wrapped two fuckin' presents It's Christmas Eve and I've only wrapped two fuckin' presents And I hate, hate, hate your guts, I hate, hate, hate your guts, And I'll never talk to you again...
...With hope in our hearts and bricks in our hands We sing for change...
This band is amazing.. They are my fav. band atm for sure! I love every single song from their 3 latest albums. Last weekend I got to see them live, and even though it was a short set (only 50 minutes) because it was the Taste of Chaos festival, it was so so so so awsome, and I loved every second! <3 Rise Against <3
...It's not the end that I fear with each breath It's life that scares me to death...
The concert was in Glasgow, which was a nice city, although we didn't get much time there. We went out to eat at a cool pub/restaurant called Frankestein on Friday, the food was yummy:) Before the concert on Saturday we went shopping. I got books, magazines, clothing, Hello Kitty-stuff, cool underwear (panties with robots on them, and owl-socks!), cds and scrapbookmaterials:)
...We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt But how we survive, is what makes us who we are...
Jeg var på scrappetreff på Papertrends på Alnabru igår og det var veldig hyggelig:) Jeg fikk laget denne siden:
Nå skal jeg programmere litt, og i kveld skal jeg på konsert med Roberts band "Døden". De spiller på Taxi Takeaway i Maridalsveien 2, det er gratis inngang og konsertstart ca. klokka 21.00, så kom kom:)
(klikk på bildet for å komme til MySpace-siden deres)
So I finally registered at ebay.. and I won stuff....woho!
I got these cool buttons, there's 1 kg of buttons there!
Also got these cute little buttons, they look like candy.. <3
And, best of all, most of the LOLA-line from Love, Elsie! Only 250 NOK, shipping included.... :D
Oh, and I did a layout in October that I just uploaded to Flickr:) It's a scraplift of Christine. The picture is my boyfriend Magnus and our friend Robert..aren't they cute? Hihi:)
And now I gotta finish my stupid SQL-assignment that is due in a couple of hours.. I've been up all night trying to get it done..sigh. I just wanna have vacation now:(
Thanks for reading/looking, hope you have a great day!
I was cleaning up old files in my computer the other day and i found this video of my previous World of Warcraft-guilds 1st Ragnaros-kill.. Damn that was so huge! This was back in the day, in the good old WoW that is now gone. I've played WoW since the beta in 2004, and this right here is my favourite moment.. I remember I was shaking, it was SO exiting and omg we were so happy when he finally died after weeks of tries! We had cleared Molten Core..woho!!
Watch it, and remember sound, that's kinda the whole point..lol...nerd-orgasm!:D
Guild: Antria, Server: Twisting Nether
This post is dedicated to all my old guildies.. Heman, Rico, Vamukula, Valyinish (I love you babe), Psionic, Birth, Esbjerg, Secretti, Ormi, Creslayer, Haggish, Taralil... ye Trance even.. and all the others ;)