Thursday, May 1, 2008

I can kill you with my brain

Firefly intro song

I just finished watching all the episodes of the tv-show Firefly. It premiered in the US in 2002, but was canceled after the first season :( It's a comedy/action/science-fiction/western thing, very cool. I liked it alot even though it was a tad to violent for my taste. You should watch it;) And River Tam was the best..hehe "I can kill you with my brain".. baha! There's also a movie based on the TV-show, called Serenity. Gonna see that one soon:)

2 new layouts, both C&S:

This one is a 6x12 for my BOM about my favorite outdoor activity.

And this one's about my sister sneaking a bath in our neighbours pool on holiday in Spain in 2004. I love the title, it's stickers from Doodlebug Design.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Kjempeherlige LOer!! Den clean and simple-LOen var bare skjønn!!! :)

  3. Kule LOer begge to! :D :D Ha en strålende helg!!!

  4. Kjempefine LOer! JEg digger også de doodlebug-bokstavene!! (fikk med med noen fra messa ;) )
    Ha en fin helg videre!


Jeg blir superglad for kommentarer, takk takk!:)